The CNRS research network on "Quantum Information, Foundations & Applications" (IQFA) organizes its 6th colloquium, outlined along its 8 main inverstigated thematics (ARTs). New fundamental concepts in quantum informaito, as well as advances in quantum technologies will be promoted during this 3-day meeting.
Thanks to the wide scientific community associated with IQFA, this colloquium will enable participants to exchange on state-of-the-art developments in the vast and active filed of quantum state manipulation.
The conference is organized around three types of communication:
Invited 1-hour Pedagogical Tutorials given by internationally recognized experts which will present a synthetic focus on specific topics in the field
Contributed Talks (25') presenting recent advances in the field. 10 to 15 psoter contributions will be ugraded by the scientific committee as invited oral presentations.
Poster sessions enabling a large number of participants to present their results to the quantum information community.